Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Daily Summaries


                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 30/05/03  PAGE:   1
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - B
                                                            (GRANTS, ASSIGNMENTS AND EXERCISES OF RIGHTS)

                                                                     *****  END OF REPORT  *****


N1      Cheung Kung Hai passed away on 2/10/2000.

N2      Revised

N3      Capitalization issue of 1 new share for every 5 shares already held.

N4      On 19th day of June 1998, Madam Chin Lan Hong disposed of all her
        shares in the relevant corporate shareholders of the above-mentioned
        associated corporations, therefore, Madam Chin Lan Hong is no
        longer taken to be interested in such shares under Sections
        8(2), (3) and (4) of the SDI Ordinance with effect from that date.

N5      Wing Tung Hing Realty Limited was dissolved on 20 February 2000.

N6      Chin Lan Hong ceased to have interest in Pullfield Company Limited.

N7      Chin Lan Hong ceased to have corporate interest in E. Hing Cheung
        Realty Limited, Fu Fung San Realty Limited and Wing Tung Hing
        Realty Limited.

N8      On 20 December 2001, Mr. Ng Siu Chun ("Mr. Ng") entered into a
        Share Charge with Best Advantage Limited ("BAL"), a wholly
        owned subsidiary of Tian An China Hotel and Property Investments
        Company Limited which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of
        Tian An China Investments Company Limited, whereby Mr. Ng
        charged his 7,200,000,000 shares in Shanghai Allied Cement Limited
        to BAL to secure the due observance and performance by Mr. Ng
        of his obligations under a Sale and Purchase Agreement and
        a Supplemental Agreement entered among, inter alia, Mr. Ng and BAL.

N9      Holding of 11,295,600 shares in Wah Ha Realty Co. Ltd. through
        Pullfield Co. Ltd.

N10     Holding of corporate interest in E. Hing Cheung Realty Ltd.
        through Pearchgold Co. Ltd.

N11     Cessation of holding corporate interest in E. Hing Cheung Realty
        Ltd. ("EHC") due to dissolution of EHC on 6/11/2001.

N12     Cessation of holding 11,295,600 shares in Wah Ha due to disposal
        of interest in Pullfield Co. Ltd. on 17/10/2002.