Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Daily Summaries


                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 29/06/01  PAGE:   1
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Allied Group                   (00373)        * ISC as at 28/06/01 :       3,415,674,308

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
LEE SENG HUANG           20/06/01 1,3,5,6        988,446,926      758,446,926  LEE SENG HUI                  988,446,926  MINTY HONG KONG LTD           758,446,926                                          0            

                                                                               LEE SU HWEI                                CASHPLUS MANAGEMENT LTD       230,000,000                            

LEE SENG HUI             20/06/01 1,5,6          988,676,142      758,676,142  LEE SU HWEI                   988,446,926  MINTY HONG KONG LTD           758,446,926                                                       

                                                                               LEE SENG HUANG                             CASHPLUS MANAGEMENT LTD       230,000,000                            

LEE SU HWEI              20/06/01 1,5,6          988,446,926      758,446,926  LEE SENG HUI                  988,446,926  MINTY HONG KONG LTD           758,446,926                                                       

                                                                               LEE SENG HUANG                             CASHPLUS MANAGEMENT LTD       230,000,000                            

STOCK NAME :  Ananda Wing On                 (01189)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :       7,901,317,770

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
CHAN YEUK PUN            20/06/01 5,7          4,566,804,440    4,568,004,440  CHAN YEUK WAI               4,566,804,440  HOUNSLOW LTD                2,954,507,190                                                       

                                                                                                                          ABBOTSBURY ASSETS LTD       1,510,870,000                            

                                                                                                                          ACKLINGTON ASSETS LTD          91,220,000                            

CHAN YEUK WAI            20/06/01 5,7          4,566,804,440    4,568,004,440  CHAN YEUK PUN               4,566,804,440  HOUNSLOW LTD                2,954,507,190                                                       

                                                                                                                          ABBOTSBURY ASSETS LTD       1,510,870,000                            

                                                                                                                          ACKLINGTON ASSETS LTD          91,220,000                            

HOUNSLOW LIMITED         20/06/01 4,6          4,548,004,440    4,568,004,440                                             ABBOTSBURY ASSETS LTD       1,510,870,000                                                       

                                                                                                                          ACKLINGTON ASSETS LTD          91,220,000                            

HOUNSLOW LIMITED         20/06/01 4,6          4,557,804,440    4,548,004,440                                             ABBOTSBURY ASSETS LTD       1,510,870,000                                                       

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 29/06/01  PAGE:   2
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Ananda Wing On                 (01189)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :       7,901,317,770

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
HOUNSLOW LIMITED         20/06/01 4,6          4,557,804,440    4,548,004,440                                             ACKLINGTON ASSETS LTD          91,220,000                                                       

HOUNSLOW LIMITED         21/06/01 4,6          4,566,804,440    4,557,804,440                                             ABBOTSBURY ASSETS LTD       1,510,870,000                                                       

                                                                                                                          ACKLINGTON ASSETS LTD          91,220,000                            

STOCK NAME :  Beijing Airport - H shares     (00694)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :       1,346,150,000

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
ABN AMRO ASIA CAPITAL I- 20/06/01 4              167,794,000      177,794,000                                                                                                                                             
NVESTMENT LTD.                                                                                                                                                       

ABN AMRO ASIA CAPITAL I- 21/06/01 4              100,794,000      167,794,000                                                                                                                                             
NVESTMENT LTD.                                                                                                                                                       

ABN AMRO BANK, N.V.      20/06/01 4              179,556,000      192,956,000                                             ABN AMRO VENTURES B.V.        167,794,000                                                       

                                                                                                                          ABN AMRO ASIA HOLDINGS -       11,762,000                            

ABN AMRO BANK, N.V.      20/06/01 4              189,614,000      179,556,000                                             ABN AMRO VENTURES B.V.        167,794,000                                                       

                                                                                                                          ABN AMRO ASIA HOLDINGS -       21,820,000                            

ABN AMRO BANK, N.V.      20/06/01 4              170,070,000      189,614,000                                             ABN AMRO VENTURES B.V.        167,794,000                                                       

                                                                                                                          ABN AMRO ASIA HOLDINGS -        2,276,000                            

ABN AMRO BANK, N.V.      21/06/01 4              103,070,000      170,070,000                                             ABN AMRO VENTURES B.V.        100,794,000                                                       

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 29/06/01  PAGE:   3
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Beijing Airport - H shares     (00694)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :       1,346,150,000

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
ABN AMRO BANK, N.V.      21/06/01 4              103,070,000      170,070,000                                             ABN AMRO ASIA HOLDINGS -        2,276,000                                                       

ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V.    20/06/01 4              179,556,000      192,956,000                                             ABN AMRO BANK N.V.            179,556,000                                                       

ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V.    20/06/01 4              189,614,000      179,556,000                                             ABN AMRO BANK N.V.            189,614,000                                                       

ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V.    20/06/01 4              170,070,000      189,614,000                                             ABN AMRO BANK N.V.            170,070,000                                                       

ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V.    21/06/01 4              103,070,000      170,070,000                                             ABN AMRO BANK N.V.            103,070,000                                                       

ABN AMRO VENTURES B.V.   20/06/01 4              167,794,000      177,794,000                                             ABN AMRO ASIA CAPITAL I-      167,794,000                                                       
                                                                                                                          NV LTD                                     

ABN AMRO VENTURES B.V.   21/06/01 4              100,794,000      167,794,000                                             ABN AMRO ASIA CAPITAL I-      100,794,000                                                       
                                                                                                                          NV LTD                                     

STOCK NAME :  China United                   (00273)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :      17,760,394,622

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
CHUANG YUEHENG HENRY     21/06/01 1,3,4        6,020,648,364    6,003,648,364                                             RADFORD DEVELOPMENTS LT-    6,020,648,364  CHUANG NICHOLAS SEAN        6,020,648,364            

STOCK NAME :  DVN (Holdings)                 (00500)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         271,186,431

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
KO CHUN SHUN JOHNSON     20/06/01 1,3,4          143,773,940      143,517,940                                             PRIME PACIFIC INT'L LTD       103,603,418                                                       

                                                                                                                          ALL MARK LTD                    2,956,000                            

                                                                                                                          UNIVERSAL APPLIANCES LT-       31,032,522                            

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 29/06/01  PAGE:   4
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  DVN (Holdings)                 (00500)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         271,186,431

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
KO CHUN SHUN JOHNSON     20/06/01 1,3,4          143,773,940      143,517,940                                             KWAN WING HOLDINGS LTD          3,017,000                                                       

                                                                                                                          PENINSULA RESOURCES LTD         1,600,000                            

                                                                                                                          FIRST GAIN INT'L LTD            1,222,000                            

STOCK NAME :  Everest Int'l                  (00204)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         206,568,000

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL CA- 23/06/01 1,3             47,568,000        7,568,000                                                                                                                                  N1         
PITAL (HK) LIMITED                                                                                                                                                   

STOCK NAME :  Global Chi Tech                (01105)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :       1,338,119,273

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
HO TSU KWOK CHARLES      20/06/01 3,5            739,396,000      607,396,000                                             LUCKMAN TRADING LTD           739,396,000                                            N2         

HONG KONG TOBACCO COMPA- 20/06/01 2,4            739,396,000                0                                                                                                                                  N2         
NY LIMITED                                                                                                                                                           

LUCKMAN TRADING LIMITED  20/06/01 3,4            739,396,000      607,396,000                                                                                                                                  N2         

STOCK NAME :  Great Eagle H                  (00041)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         552,151,908

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
LAW WAI DUEN NINA        21/06/01                333,088,289      332,838,289  LO KA SHUI                    332,849,887                                                                                       N3         

                                                                               LO KAI SHUI                                                                                                     

                                                                               LO YING SUI                                                                                                     

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 29/06/01  PAGE:   5
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Great Eagle H                  (00041)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         552,151,908

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
LAW WAI DUEN NINA        21/06/01                333,088,289      332,838,289  LO HUNG SUEN                                                                                                                    N3         

                                                                               LO WAI KI GWEN                                                                                                  

LO KA SHUI               21/06/01                345,493,155      345,243,155  LAW WAI DUEN NINA             332,849,887  GREEN JACKET LTD                6,636,557                                            N4         

                                                                               LO KAI SHUI                                                                                                     

                                                                               LO YING SUI                                                                                                     

                                                                               LO HUNG SUEN                                                                                                    

                                                                               LO WAI KI GWEN                                                                                                  

LO KAI SHUI              21/06/01                333,521,410      333,271,410  LAW WAI DUEN NINA             332,849,887  GOLDEN THEORY LTD                 671,523                                            N5         

                                                                               LO KA SHUI                                                                                                      

                                                                               LO YING SUI                                                                                                     

                                                                               LO HUNG SUEN                                                                                                    

                                                                               LO WAI KI GWEN                                                                                                  

LO YING SUI              21/06/01                334,332,096      334,082,096  LAW WAI DUEN NINA             332,849,887  SOARING PROFITS LTD               300,000  LIM BOON TUANG LYNDA                3,662 N6         

                                                                               LO KA SHUI                                                                                                      

                                                                               LO KAI SHUI                                                                                                     

                                                                               LO HUNG SUEN                                                                                                    

                                                                               LO WAI KI GWEN                                                                                                  

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 29/06/01  PAGE:   6
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  ICG Asia                       (00715)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :       5,610,000,263

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
CHEUNG KONG (HOLDINGS) - 20/06/01 3,4,6        2,983,050,133      900,750,000                                             PROMISING LAND INT'L IN-    2,983,050,133                                            N7         
LIMITED                                                                                                                   C.                                         

HUTCHISON INTERNATIONAL- 20/06/01 3,4          2,833,050,133      750,750,000                                             PROMISING LAND INT'L IN-    2,833,050,133                                            N7         
 LIMITED                                                                                                                  C.                                         

HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LIMIT- 20/06/01 3,4          2,983,050,133      900,750,000                                             HUTCHISON INT'L LTD         2,983,050,133                                            N7         

LI KA SHING              20/06/01 3,5,7        2,983,050,133      900,750,000                                             PROMISING LAND INT'L IN-    2,983,050,133                                            N7         

LI KA SHING UNITY TRUST- 20/06/01 3,4,6        2,983,050,133      900,750,000                                             PROMISING LAND INT'L IN-    2,983,050,133                                            N7         
EE COMPANY LIMITED                                                                                                        C.                                         

LI KA-SHING UNITY HOLDI- 20/06/01 3,4,6        2,983,050,133      900,750,000                                             PROMISING LAND INT'L IN-    2,983,050,133                                            N7         
NGS LIMITED                                                                                                               C.                                         

LI KA-SHING UNITY TRUST- 20/06/01 3,6          2,983,050,133      900,750,000                                                                                                                                  N7         
EE CORPORATION LIMITED                                                                                                                                               

PROMISING LAND INTERNAT- 20/06/01 3,4          2,833,050,133      750,750,000                                                                                                                                  N7         
IONAL INC.                                                                                                                                                           

STOCK NAME :  Manulife                       (00945)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         482,165,506

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 29/06/01  PAGE:   7
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Multi-Asia Intl                (00234)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         474,253,276

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
HUANG GROUP (BVI) LIMIT- 26/06/01 3              247,823,844      133,668,000                                             NEW CENTURY WORLDWIDE C-      247,823,844                                            N10        
ED                                                                                                                        APITAL LTD                                 

KAN KA CHONG FREDERICK   26/06/01 3              247,823,844      133,668,000                                             HUANG GROUP (BVI) LTD         247,823,844                                            N10        

NEW CENTURY WORLDWIDE C- 26/06/01 3              247,823,844      133,668,000                                                                                                                                  N10        
APITAL LIMITED                                                                                                                                                       

STOCK NAME :  Shenyang Public - H shares     (00747)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         420,400,000

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
BEAUTY OCEAN LIMITED     20/06/01 3,4             93,718,000       99,000,000                                             SINO-FRENCH HOLDINGS (H-       93,718,000                                                       
                                                                                                                          ONG KONG) LTD                              

BEAUTY OCEAN LIMITED     21/06/01 3,4             89,668,000       93,718,000                                             SINO-FRENCH HOLDINGS (H-       89,668,000                                                       
                                                                                                                          ONG KONG) LTD                              

CHOW TAI FOOK ENTERPRIS- 20/06/01 3,4             93,718,000       99,000,000                                             NEW WORLD DEV CO LTD           93,718,000                                                       
ES LIMITED                                                                                                                                                           

CHOW TAI FOOK ENTERPRIS- 21/06/01 3,4             89,668,000       93,718,000                                             NEW WORLD DEV CO LTD           89,668,000                                                       
ES LIMITED                                                                                                                                                           

LOTSGAIN LIMITED         20/06/01 3,4             93,718,000       99,000,000                                             BEAUTY OCEAN LTD               93,718,000                                                       

LOTSGAIN LIMITED         21/06/01 3,4             89,668,000       93,718,000                                             BEAUTY OCEAN LTD               89,668,000                                                       

MOMBASA LIMITED          20/06/01 3,4             93,718,000       99,000,000                                             NEW WORLD INFRASTRUCTUR-       93,718,000                                                       
                                                                                                                          E LTD                                      

MOMBASA LIMITED          21/06/01 3,4             89,668,000       93,718,000                                             NEW WORLD INFRASTRUCTUR-       89,668,000                                                       
                                                                                                                          E LTD                                      

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 29/06/01  PAGE:   8
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Shenyang Public - H shares     (00747)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         420,400,000

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENT C- 20/06/01 3,4             93,718,000       99,000,000                                             SEA WALKER LTD                 93,718,000                                                       
OMPANY LIMITED                                                                                                                                                       

NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENT C- 21/06/01 3,4             89,668,000       93,718,000                                             SEA WALKER LTD                 89,668,000                                                       
OMPANY LIMITED                                                                                                                                                       

NEW WORLD INFRASTRUCTUR- 20/06/01 3,4             93,718,000       99,000,000                                             LOTSGAIN LTD                   93,718,000                                                       
E LIMITED                                                                                                                                                            

NEW WORLD INFRASTRUCTUR- 21/06/01 3,4             89,668,000       93,718,000                                             LOTSGAIN LTD                   89,668,000                                                       
E LIMITED                                                                                                                                                            

SEA WALKER LIMITED       20/06/01 3,4             93,718,000       99,000,000                                             MOMBASA LTD                    93,718,000                                                       

SEA WALKER LIMITED       21/06/01 3,4             89,668,000       93,718,000                                             MOMBASA LTD                    89,668,000                                                       

SINO FRENCH WATER DEVEL- 20/06/01 3,4             93,718,000       99,000,000                                             SINO FRENCH WATER DEV (-       93,718,000                                                       
OPMENT COMPANY LIMITED                                                                                                    LIAONING) CO LTD                           

SINO FRENCH WATER DEVEL- 20/06/01 1,3             93,718,000       99,000,000                                                                                                                                             
OPMENT (LIAONING) COMPA-                                                                                                                                             
NY LIMITED                                                                                                                                                           

SINO FRENCH WATER DEVEL- 21/06/01 3,4             89,668,000       93,718,000                                             SINO FRENCH WATER DEV (-       89,668,000                                                       
OPMENT COMPANY LIMITED                                                                                                    LIAONING) CO LTD                           

SINO FRENCH WATER DEVEL- 21/06/01 1,3             89,668,000       93,718,000                                                                                                                                             
OPMENT (LIAONING) COMPA-                                                                                                                                             
NY LIMITED                                                                                                                                                           

SINO-FRENCH HOLDINGS (H- 20/06/01 3,4             93,718,000       99,000,000                                             SINO FRENCH WATER DEV C-       93,718,000                                                       
ONG KONG) LIMITED                                                                                                         O LTD                                      

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 29/06/01  PAGE:   9
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Shenyang Public - H shares     (00747)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         420,400,000

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
SINO-FRENCH HOLDINGS (H- 21/06/01 3,4             89,668,000       93,718,000                                             SINO FRENCH WATER DEV C-       89,668,000                                                       
ONG KONG) LIMITED                                                                                                         O LTD                                      

STOCK NAME :  Shenzhen Hi-Tech               (00106)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :       5,110,076,293

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
GE ZHENG                 22/06/01 3,5            634,564,000      669,172,000                                             JINHUA (HONG KONG) JINX-      634,564,000                                                       
                                                                                                                          IN LTD                                     

GE ZHENG                 26/06/01 3,5            629,564,000      634,564,000                                             JINHUA (HONG KONG) JINX-      629,564,000                                                       
                                                                                                                          IN LTD                                     

JINHUA (HONG KONG) JINX- 22/06/01 1,3            634,564,000      669,172,000                                                                                                                                             
IN LTD                                                                                                                                                               

JINHUA (HONG KONG) JINX- 26/06/01 1,3            629,564,000      634,564,000                                                                                                                                             
IN LTD                                                                                                                                                               

STOCK NAME :  World Houseware                (00713)        * ISC as at 27/06/01 :         672,138,739

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
FUNG MEI PO              19/06/01                316,866,762      315,723,370                                                                                                                                  N11        

LEE TAT HING             19/06/01                311,364,034      310,395,554                                             LEES INT'L INV LTD             27,799,883                                            N11        

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.

                                                                                               *****  END OF REPORT  *****


N1     Please refer to the Company's announcement of 12/06/01.

N2     1,291,468,908 Convertible Preference Shares were allotted and issued
       to Luckman Trading Limited on 20th July 2000.  Luckman Trading Limited
       is 100% owned by Ho Tsu Kwok, Charles, the chairman of the Company.
       Luckman Trading Limited exercised the conversion right attached to the
       Convertible Preference Shares on 20th June 2001 to subscribe for
       132,000,000 Ordinary Shares of the Company (the "Subscription").
       After the Subscription, the number of Convertible Preference Shares
       held by Luckman Trading Limited is 1,159,486,908 and the number of
       Ordinary Shares held by Luckman Trading Limited is 739,396,000.

       On 20th June 2001, Luckman Trading Limited entered into an option agree-
       ment (the "Option Agreement") with Hong Kong Tobacco Company Limited, a
       company in which Ho Tsu Kwok, Charles is the controlling shareholder and
       chairman.  Pursuant to the Option Agreement, Hong Kong Tobacco Company
       Limited has the option to purchase 66,000,000 Ordinary Shares of the
       Company on or before 19th July, 2002.

       Under section 9 of the Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance,
       both Luckman Trading Limited and Hong Kong Tobacco Company Limited are
       deemed to be interested in the 66,000,000 Ordinary Shares of the Company
       which are subject to the Option Agreement.  Under section 10 of the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance, Hong Kong Tobacco
       Company Limited is also deemed to be interested in the 673,396,000
       Ordinary Shares, and 1,159,486,908 Convertible Preference Shares, held
       by Luckman Trading Limited apart from the Agreement.

       Ho Tsu Kwok, Charles, being the sole shareholder of Luckman Trading
       Limited, is deemed to be interested in the 739,396,000 Ordinary Shares
       and 1,159,486,908 Convertible Preference Shares held by Luckman Trading

N3     Of the 333,088,289 shares, 332,849,887 shares are joint interests
       comprising 50,254,538 shares held by a discretionary trust of which
       the Director is a beneficiary and 282,595,349 shares in which the
       said discretionary trust is deemed to be interested.

N4     Of the 345,493,155 shares, 332,849,887 shares are joint interests
       comprising 50,254,538 shares held by a discretionary trust of which
       the Director is a beneficiary and 282,595,349 shares in which the
       said discretionary trust is deemed to be interested.

N5     Of the 333,521,410 shares, 332,849,887 shares are joint interests
       comprising 50,254,538 shares held by a discretionary trust of which
       the Director is a beneficiary and 282,595,349 shares in which the
       said discretionary trust is deemed to be interested.

N6     Of the 334,332,096 shares, 332,849,887 shares are joint interests
       comprising 50,254,538 shares held by a discretionary trust of which
       the Director is a beneficiary and 282,595,349 shares in which the
       said discretionary trust is deemed to be interested.

N7     Please refer to the Company's announcement of 20/06/2001.

N8     Of the 332,640,000 shares in Panda-Recruit Limited, 331,140,000
       shares are held by Century Faith Investment Limited, an approximately
       66.67% owned subsidiary of Great Eagle Holdings Limited and Lo Ka Shui
       is deemed to have corporate interest in said shares, and 1,500,000
       shares are personal interest of Lo Ka Shui.

N9     Disposals were made from 22/06/01 to 26/06/01 at prices ranging from
       $0.96 to $1.00 per share.

N10    Proposed cash offer.

N11    Scrip Dividend

N12    Consideration per unit : $0.138 - $0.141

N13    Exercise of share option

N14    Acquisitions were made from 21/06/01 to 22/06/01 at prices ranging
       from $10.15 to $10.30 per share.

N15    Total consideration : US$1,000,083.33


       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 27/06/01 : 482,165,506

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, 10% shareholders of MFC have to file reports
           to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC").  Reports made by 10%
           shareholders, if any, can be found in OSC website
           MFC has agreed to monitor the OSC Weekly Bulletin and Insider
           Early Warning Report Press Releases every two weeks and if any
           reports by or concerning 10% shareholders and filed, MFC will
           provide a hard copy to the SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong
           public.  So far, the SEHK has not received any such reports from
       2.  Under U.S. law, 5% shareholders of MFC have to file reports to
           the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pursuant to
           Schedule 13G/13D of the Securities and Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.  Up-to-date reports made by 5% shareholders, if
           any, can be found in SEC website at  MFC has agreed
           to monitor the SEC website every two weeks and if any reports on
           5% shareholders are filed, MFC will provide a hard copy to the
           SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong public.  So far, the SEHK
           has not received any such reports from MFC.

       3.  Hard copies of filings or reports provided by MFC under paragraphs
           1 and 2 above (if any) are available for inspection at the SEHK's
           office at 11/F., One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View
           Street, Central, Hong Kong, and upon request in writing to MFC at
           MFC's office at Manulife Plaza, The Lee Gardens, 48th Floor, 33
           Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.  For enquiries or arrange-
           ments regarding inspection at the SEHK please contact the SEHK
           SDI Unit (Mr. Chan (2840-3707) or Miss Tsui (2840-3769)).
       * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
         recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might
         not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights
         issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using
         these figures.

       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 27/06/01 : 482,165,506

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, "insiders" including directors of MFC have
           to file reports to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC")
           in Form 55 pursuant to the Ontario Securities Act.  No Form 55
           filings have been made by MFC today.
       2.  MFC is presently a "foreign private issuer" under U.S. law.  As
           such, no directors of MFC are required to make any disclosure of
           interests filings under the Securities Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.  
       *  ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
          recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It
          might not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements,
          rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution
          when using these figures.