Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Daily Summaries



                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 05/06/01  PAGE:   1
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : A I Hotels                     (00105)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHEONG SIM LAM                        ORD                    ASSOCIATED INTERNATIONAL HOTEL-  29/05/01        2,503,155       2,421,155  A         3.863   N9         
                                                              S LTD.                        

                                       ORD                    TIAN TECK LAND LTD                 /  /          4,011,504       4,011,504            0.000              

                                       ORD                    YIK FOK INV HOLDING CO LTD         /  /                 10              10            0.000              

                                       ORD                    TIAN TECK INV HOLDING CO LTD       /  /                 25              25            0.000              

                                       ORD                    AUSTIN HILLS COUNTRY RESORT BH-    /  /                  3               3            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Cafe de Coral H                (00341)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LO PIK LING ANITA                     ORD                    CAFE DE CORAL HOLDINGS LTD.      30/05/01       60,406,339      60,456,339  D         3.850              

 STOCK NAME : Central China                  (00351)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHAN CHI KEUNG VICTOR                 ORD                    CENTRAL CHINA ENTERPRISES LIMI-    /  /        180,000,000     180,000,000            0.000   N10        

 CHUNG CHI SHING                       ORD                    CENTRAL CHINA ENTERPRISES LIMI-    /  /        180,000,000     180,000,000            0.000   N10        

 STOCK NAME : Chi Cheung                     (00112)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LAU LUEN HUNG JOSEPH                  ORD                    CHI CHEUNG INVESTMENT COMPANY -    /  /      2,159,475,904   2,159,475,904            0.000              
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 05/06/01  PAGE:   2
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Chi Cheung                     (00112)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LAU LUEN HUNG JOSEPH                  2003 WAR               CHI CHEUNG INVESTMENT COMPANY -    /  /        383,527,348     383,527,348            0.000              

                                       ORD                    CHINESE ESTATES HOLDINGS LTD     31/05/01    1,359,081,668   1,358,221,668  A         0.865   N11        

                                       2003 3% CONVERTIBLE -  CHINESE ESTATES HOLDINGS LTD       /  /       $180,000,000    $180,000,000            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : China EB Ltd                   (00165)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 SHAO ZHENGKANG                        ORD                    CHINA EVERBRIGHT LTD             29/05/01                0         100,000  D         8.725   N12        

 YEUNG CHI WAI                         ORD                    CHINA EVERBRIGHT LTD             29/05/01          150,000         300,000  D         8.725   N13        

                                       ORD                    CHINA EVERBRIGHT LTD             30/05/01                0         150,000  D         8.900   N14        

 STOCK NAME : China Mer Hold                 (00144)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 WU SHI RONG                           ORD                    CHINA MERCHANTS HOLDINGS (INTE-  31/05/01          350,000               0  A         5.054   N15        
                                                              RNATIONAL) CO LTD             

 STOCK NAME : China Travel HK                (00308)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 FONG YUN WAH                          ORD                    CHINA TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL INV-  28/05/01          652,000         702,000  D         1.710              
                                                              ESTMENT HONG KONG LTD         
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 05/06/01  PAGE:   3
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Chinese Est H                  (00127)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LAU LUEN HUNG JOSEPH                  ORD                    CHINESE ESTATES HOLDINGS LTD.    31/05/01    1,359,081,668   1,358,221,668  A         0.865   N11        

                                       2003 3% CONVERTIBLE -  CHINESE ESTATES HOLDINGS LTD.      /  /       $180,000,000    $180,000,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    EVERGO CHINA HOLDINGS LTD          /  /      1,112,582,621   1,112,582,621            0.000              

                                       ORD                    THE KWONG SANG HONG INT'L LTD      /  /        513,746,047     513,746,047            0.000              

                                       ORD                    CHI CHEUNG INVESTMENT CO LTD       /  /      2,159,475,904   2,159,475,904            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               CHI CHEUNG INVESTMENT CO LTD       /  /        383,527,348     383,527,348            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Evergo China                   (00631)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LAU LUEN HUNG JOSEPH                  ORD                    EVERGO CHINA HOLDINGS LTD          /  /      1,112,582,621   1,112,582,621            0.000              

                                       ORD                    CHINESE ESTATES HOLDINGS LTD     31/05/01    1,359,081,668   1,358,221,668  A         0.865   N11        

                                       2003 3% CONVERTIBLE -  CHINESE ESTATES HOLDINGS LTD       /  /       $180,000,000    $180,000,000            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : First Pacific                  (00142)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 PANGILINAN MANUEL VELEZ               ORD                    FIRST PACIFIC COMPANY LIMITED    29/05/01        5,636,759      11,136,759  D         1.675   N16        

                                       COMMON SH              METRO PACIFIC CORPORATION          /  /         14,948,064      14,948,064            0.000              

                                       COMMON SH              PHILIPPINE LONG DISTANCE TELEP-    /  /             23,300          23,300            0.000              
                                                              HONE CO                       
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 05/06/01  PAGE:   4
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : GZITIC Hualing                 (00382)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 YE ZHEN WEN                           ORD                    GZITIC HUALING HOLDINGS LIMITE-  31/05/01          500,000       1,000,000  D         0.600              

 STOCK NAME : Great Eagle H                  (00041)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LAW WAI DUEN NINA                     ORD                    GREAT EAGLE HOLDINGS LTD.        28/05/01      325,221,421     325,041,421  A        11.350   N2  N7     

 LO KA SHUI                            ORD                    GREAT EAGLE HOLDINGS LTD.        28/05/01      337,392,593     337,212,593  A        11.350   N3  N7     

                                       ORD                    PANDA-RECRUIT LTD                  /  /        332,640,000     332,640,000            0.000   N6         

 LO KAI SHUI                           ORD                    GREAT EAGLE HOLDINGS LTD.        28/05/01      325,644,501     325,464,501  A        11.350   N4  N7     

 LO YING SUI                           ORD                    GREAT EAGLE HOLDINGS LTD.        28/05/01      326,468,251     326,288,251  A        11.350   N5  N7     

 STOCK NAME : JCG Holdings                   (00626)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 TEH HONG PIOW                         ORD                    JCG HOLDINGS LTD.                  /  /        391,582,110     391,582,110            0.000              

                                       ORD (RM)               PUBLIC BANK BERHAD               28/05/01    1,025,927,917   1,025,730,917  A         2.286   N17        

                                       ORD                    PUBLIC FINANCE BERHAD              /  /        187,335,551     187,335,551            0.000              

                                       ORD                    PB INT'L FACTORS SDN BHD           /  /          5,500,000       5,500,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    KUALA LUMPUR MUTUAL FUND BHD       /  /          5,100,000       5,100,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    WINTON HOLDINGS (BERMUDA) LTD      /  /        314,999,925     314,999,925            0.000              
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 05/06/01  PAGE:   5
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : JCG Holdings                   (00626)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 TEH HONG PIOW                         CONVERTIBLE PREF SH    WINTON HOLDINGS (BERMUDA) LTD      /  /        870,225,121     870,225,121            0.000              

                                       ORD                    BUSINESS PREMIUM SDN BHD           /  /          5,111,504       5,111,504            0.000              

                                       ORD                    WINSURE CO LTD                     /  /             15,500          15,500            0.000              

                                       ORD                    WU SHANG MEI WINTON (CHINA) IN-    /  /                 90              90            0.000              
                                                              V CO LTD                      

 STOCK NAME : Kowloon Dev                    (00034)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 YU YUI CHIU                           ORD                    KOWLOON DEVELOPMENT CO LTD       25/05/01       10,930,200      10,708,200  A         6.525   N18        

 STOCK NAME : Learning Concept               (00680)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 YU PUN HOI                            ORD                    LEARNING CONCEPTS HOLDINGS LTD   29/05/01    4,601,000,000   4,635,000,000  D         0.062              

 STOCK NAME : Leefung-Asco                   (00623)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 SHEN MING SUN DAVID                   ORD                    LEEFUNG-ASCO PRINTERS HOLDINGS-  28/05/01        5,000,000       8,000,000  D         1.560              

 STOCK NAME : Manulife                       (00945)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 05/06/01  PAGE:   6
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : RNA Holdings                   (00501)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHAN FAT LEUNG ALEXANDER              ORD                    RNA HOLDINGS LIMITED             28/05/01       20,200,000       2,930,000            0.122   N15        

                                       ORD                    TRASY GOLD EX LTD                  /  /         50,807,128      50,807,128            0.000              

 CHAN FAT CHU RAYMOND                  ORD                    RNA HOLDINGS LIMITED             28/05/01       20,200,000       2,930,000            0.122   N15        

                                       ORD                    TRASY GOLD EX LTD                  /  /         56,318,937      56,318,937            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Sa Sa Int'l                    (00178)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 KING ROGER                            ORD                    SA SA INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS L-  31/05/01       13,405,172      13,155,172  A         0.000   N19        

 STOCK NAME : Sino Golf Hold                 (00361)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHANG HUA JUNG                        ORD                    SINO GOLF HOLDINGS LIMITED         /  /            210,793         210,793            0.000              

 MATSUURA TAKANORI                     ORD                    SINO GOLF HOLDINGS LIMITED         /  /        210,281,175     210,281,175            0.000              

 CHU YUK MAN SIMON                     ORD                    SINO GOLF HOLDINGS LIMITED         /  /        202,258,012     202,258,012            0.000              

 CHU CHUN MAN AUGUSTINE                ORD                    SINO GOLF HOLDINGS LIMITED         /  /        205,996,038     205,996,038            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Techtronic Ind                 (00669)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHAN CHI CHUNG                        ORD                    TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   01/06/01          500,000               0  A         1.064   N15        
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 05/06/01  PAGE:   7
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Techtronic Ind                 (00669)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHUNG CHI PING                        ORD                    TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   29/05/01       73,810,489      73,860,489  D         2.600              

                                       ORD                    TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   30/05/01       73,760,489      73,810,489  D         2.550              

                                       ORD                    TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   31/05/01       73,460,489      73,760,489  D         2.600              

                                       ORD                    TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   01/06/01       74,460,489      73,460,489  A         1.214   N15        

                                       ORD                    TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   01/06/01       74,310,489      74,460,489  D         2.650              

 PUDWILL HORST JULIUS                  ORD                    TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   29/05/01      138,499,897     138,509,897  D         2.600              

                                       ORD                    TECHNTONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   31/05/01      138,101,897     138,499,897  D         2.600              

                                       ORD                    TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   01/06/01      137,809,897     138,101,897  D         2.630              

                                       ORD                    TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO. LTD.   01/06/01      138,509,897     137,809,897  A         1.214   N15        

 STOCK NAME : Telecom Plus                   (01013)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 ZHOU YUBO                             ORD                    TELECOM PLUS HOLDINGS LIMITED    31/05/01        2,500,000      11,020,000  D         0.360              

 STOCK NAME : Temfat Hingfung                (00661)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHAN FAT LEUNG ALEXANDER              ORD                    TEM FAT HING FUNG (HOLDINGS) L-    /  /        612,403,060     612,403,060            0.000              

                                       ORD                    RNA HOLDINGS LIMITED             28/05/01       20,200,000       2,930,000            0.122   N15        
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 05/06/01  PAGE:   8
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Temfat Hingfung                (00661)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHAN FAT LEUNG ALEXANDER              ORD                    TRASY GOLD EX LTD                  /  /         50,807,127      50,807,127            0.000              

 CHAN FAT CHU RAYMOND                  ORD                    TEM FAT HING FUNG (HOLDINGS) L-    /  /        612,403,060     612,403,060            0.000              

                                       ORD                    RNA HOLDINGS LIMITED             28/05/01       20,200,000       2,930,000            0.122   N15        

                                       ORD                    TRASY GOLD EX LTD                  /  /         56,318,937      56,318,937            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Tian Teck Land                 (00266)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHEONG SIM LAM                        ORD                    TIAN TECK LAND LTD.                /  /          4,011,504       4,011,504            0.000              

                                       ORD                    ASSOCIATED INT'L HOTELS LTD      29/05/01        2,503,155       2,421,155  A         3.863   N9         

                                       ORD                    YIK FOK INV HOLDING CO LTD         /  /                 10              10            0.000              

                                       ORD                    TIAN TECK INV HOLDING CO LTD       /  /                 25              25            0.000              

                                       ORD                    AUSTIN HILLS COUNTRY RESORT BH-    /  /                  3               3            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Winfoong Int'l                 (00063)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHEONG SIM ENG                        ORD                    WINFOONG INTERNATIONAL LIMITED     /  /                  0               0            0.000              

                                       OPT                    WINFOONG INTERNATIONAL LIMITED     /  /         15,000,000      15,000,000            0.000              

                                       ORD (S$)               HONG FOK CORPORATION LTD         25/05/01       76,905,512      76,773,512  A         0.225   N20        
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 05/06/01  PAGE:   9
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Winton Holdings                (00510)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 TEH HONG PIOW                         ORD                    WINTON HOLDINGS (BERMUDA) LTD.     /  /        314,999,925     314,999,925            0.000              

                                       CONVERTIBLE PREF SH    WINTON HOLDINGS (BERMUDA) LTD.     /  /        870,225,121     870,225,121            0.000              

                                       ORD (RM)               PUBLIC BANK BERHAD               28/05/01    1,025,927,917   1,025,730,917  A         2.286   N17        

                                       ORD                    PUBLIC FINANCE BERHAD              /  /        187,335,551     187,335,551            0.000              

                                       ORD                    PB INT'L FACTORS SDN BHD           /  /          5,500,000       5,500,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    KUALA LUMPUR MUTUAL FUND BHD       /  /          5,100,000       5,100,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    JCG HOLDINGS LTD                   /  /        391,582,110     391,582,110            0.000              

                                       ORD                    BUSINESS PREMIUM SDN BHD           /  /          5,111,504       5,111,504            0.000              

                                       ORD                    WINSURE CO LTD                     /  /             15,500          15,500            0.000              

                                       ORD                    WU SHANG MEI WINTON (CHINA) IN-    /  /                 90              90            0.000              
                                                              V CO LTD                      

 STOCK NAME : imGO                           (00067)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 MICHAEL DAVID RICKS                   ORD                    imGO LIMITED                     28/05/01        1,486,000       1,294,000  A         0.610   N21        

                                                                     *****  END OF REPORT  *****


N1     Please refer to the Company's announcement of 31/05/01 and 01/06/01.

N2     Of the 325,221,421 shares, 324,986,042 shares are joint interests
       comprising 49,276,824 shares held by a discretionary trust of which
       the Director is a beneficiary and 275,709,218 shares in which the
       said discretionary trust is deemed to be interested.

N3     Of the 337,392,593 shares, 324,986,042 shares are joint interests
       comprising 49,276,824 shares held by a discretionary trust of which
       the Director is a beneficiary and 275,709,218 shares in which the
       said discretionary trust is deemed to be interested.

N4     Of the 325,644,501 shares, 324,986,042 shares are joint interests
       comprising 49,276,824 shares held by a discretionary trust of which
       the Director is a beneficiary and 275,709,218 shares in which the
       said discretionary trust is deemed to be interested.

N5     Of the 326,468,251 shares, 324,986,042 shares are joint interests
       comprising 49,276,824 shares held by a discretionary trust of which
       the Director is a beneficiary and 275,709,218 shares in which the
       said discretionary trust is deemed to be interested.

N6     Of the 332,640,000 shares in Panda-Recruit Limited, 331,140,000
       shares are held by Century Faith Investment Limited, an approximately
       66.67% owned subsidiary of Great Eagle Holdings Limited and Lo Ka Shui
       is deemed to have corporate interest in said shares, and 1,500,000
       shares are personal interest of Lo Ka Shui.

N7     Acquisitions were made from 28/05/01 to 30/05/01 at prices ranging
       from $11.20 to $11.55 per share.

N8     Pursuant to a subscription agreement entered into on 19 March 2001
       (details of which were disclosed in the announcement issued by Sino
       InfoTech Holdings Limited (the "Company") on 19 March 2001 and
       published on 20 March 2001), United Home Limited completed the
       subscription of, and the Company issued and allotted to United Home
       Limited, 100,452,778 new shares on 29 May 2001.

N9     Acquisitions were made from 29/05/01 to 31/05/01 at prices ranging
       from $3.800 to $3.925 per share.

N10    The 260,000,000 options granted to Chamber Spirit Ltd lapsed on
       31 May 2001.

N11    Consideration per unit : $0.86 - $0.87

N12    Consideration per unit : $8.65 - $8.80

N13    Consideration per unit : $8.70 - $8.75

N14    Consideration per unit : $8.75 - $9.05

N15    Exercise of share option.

N16    Disposals were made from 29/05/01 to 30/05/01 at prices ranging from
       $1.65 to $1.70 per share.

N17    Acquisitions were made from 28/05/01 to 31/05/01 at prices ranging
       from RM2.2488 to RM2.2895 per share.

N18    Consideration per unit : $6.50 - $6.55

N19    Remuneration shares pursuant to the Service Agreement approved at EGM
       dated 14/09/99.

N20    Consideration per unit : S$0.220 - S$0.230

N21    Acquisitions were made from 28/05/01 to 31/05/01 at prices ranging
       from $0.60 to $0.62 per share.


       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 28/05/01 : 482,165,381

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, 10% shareholders of MFC have to file reports
           to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC").  Reports made by 10%
           shareholders, if any, can be found in OSC website
           MFC has agreed to monitor the OSC Weekly Bulletin and Insider
           Early Warning Report Press Releases every two weeks and if any
           reports by or concerning 10% shareholders and filed, MFC will
           provide a hard copy to the SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong
           public.  So far, the SEHK has not received any such reports from
       2.  Under U.S. law, 5% shareholders of MFC have to file reports to
           the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pursuant to
           Schedule 13G/13D of the Securities and Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.  Up-to-date reports made by 5% shareholders, if
           any, can be found in SEC website at  MFC has agreed
           to monitor the SEC website every two weeks and if any reports on
           5% shareholders are filed, MFC will provide a hard copy to the
           SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong public.  So far, the SEHK
           has not received any such reports from MFC.

       3.  Hard copies of filings or reports provided by MFC under paragraphs
           1 and 2 above (if any) are available for inspection at the SEHK's
           office at 11/F., One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View
           Street, Central, Hong Kong, and upon request in writing to MFC at
           MFC's office at Manulife Plaza, The Lee Gardens, 48th Floor, 33
           Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.  For enquiries or arrange-
           ments regarding inspection at the SEHK please contact the SEHK
           SDI Unit (Mr. Chan (2840-3707) or Miss Tsui (2840-3769)).
       * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
         recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might
         not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights
         issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using
         these figures.

       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 28/05/01 : 482,165,381

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, "insiders" including directors of MFC have
           to file reports to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC")
           in Form 55 pursuant to the Ontario Securities Act.  No Form 55
           filings have been made by MFC today.
       2.  MFC is presently a "foreign private issuer" under U.S. law.  As
           such, no directors of MFC are required to make any disclosure of
           interests filings under the Securities Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.  
       *  ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
          recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It
          might not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements,
          rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution
          when using these figures.