Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Daily Summaries

                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:   1
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : ABC Com. (Hold.)               (0030)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 YEUNG SHUK KWAN PATRICIA              ORD                    ABC COMMUNICATIONS (HOLDINGS) -  22/09/99        4,950,400       5,650,400  D         2.095     N3

 TSE CHI HUNG MICHAEL                  ORD                    ABC COMMUNICATIONS (HOLDINGS) -  23/09/99       12,400,006      12,489,800  D         2.175     N4

 STOCK NAME : Alpha General                  (0073)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 CHU KA LOK PETER                      ORD                    ALPHA GENERAL (HOLDINGS) LTD     22/09/99      186,520,000     226,520,000  D         0.335

                                       ORD                    ALPHA GENERAL (HOLDINGS) LTD     22/09/09      236,520,000     186,520,000  A         0.335

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  ALPHA APPLIANCES LTD               /  /             50,000          50,000            0.000

 STOCK NAME : CCT Telecom                    (0138)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 MAK SHIU TONG                         ORD                    CCT TELECOM HOLDINGS LIMITED     24/09/99      266,151,787     261,151,787  A         1.830     N5

                                       2000 WAR               CCT TELECOM HOLDINGS LIMITED       /  /        $48,055,156     $48,055,156            0.000
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:   2
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Cafe de Coral H                (0341)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 LO PIK LING ANITA                     ORD                    CAFE DE CORAL HOLDINGS LTD.      21/09/99       59,356,339      59,216,339  A         3.350

                                       ORD                    CAFE DE CORAL HOLDINGS LTD.      22/09/99       59,406,339      59,356,339  A         3.325

                                       ORD                    CAFE DE CORAL HOLDINGS LTD.      22/09/99       59,556,339      59,406,339  A         3.350

 STOCK NAME : Chun Wo Hold                   (0711)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 WOO KAM WAI                           ORD                    CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            23/09/99          266,200         242,000  A         0.000     N1

                                       2001 WAR               CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            28/09/99           48,400               0  A         0.000     N1

 WONG SAI WING JAMES                   ORD                    CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            23/09/99          665,500         605,000  A         0.000     N1

                                       2001 WAR               CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            28/09/99          121,000               0  A         0.000     N1

 AU SON YIU                            ORD                    CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            23/09/99          605,000         550,000  A         0.000     N1

                                       2001 WAR               CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            28/09/99          110,000               0  A         0.000     N1

 CHEN PO SUM                           ORD                    CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            23/09/99          660,000         600,000  A         0.000     N1

                                       2001 WAR               CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            28/09/99          120,000               0  A         0.000     N1

 PANG KAM CHUN                         ORD                    CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            23/09/99      239,891,960     218,083,600  A         0.000     N1

                                       2001 WAR               CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            28/09/99       43,616,720               0  A         0.000    N1
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:   3
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Chun Wo Hold                   (0711)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 CHAN SING CHO                         ORD                    CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            23/09/99           55,000          50,000  A         0.000     N1

                                       2001 WAR               CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            28/09/99           10,000               0  A         0.000     N1

 KWOK YUK CHIU CLEMENT                 ORD                    CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            23/09/99        2,993,540       2,721,400  A         0.000     N1

                                       2001 WAR               CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            28/09/99          544,280               0  A         0.000     N1

 LI WAI HANG CHRISTINA                 ORD                    CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            23/09/99        8,119,100       7,381,000  A         0.000     N1

                                       2001 WAR               CHUN WO HOLDINGS LTD.            28/09/99        1,476,200               0  A         0.000     N1

 STOCK NAME : Egana Jewellery                (0926)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 SEEBERGER HANS JOERG                  ORD                    EGANA JEWELLERY & PEARLS LIMIT-    /  /        295,449,548     295,449,548            0.000

                                       2001 WAR               EGANA JEWELLERY & PEARLS LIMIT-    /  /      $25,160,477.25   $25,160,477.25          0.000

                                       ORD                    EGANA INTERNATIONAL (HOLDINGS)-  19/08/99    3,630,922,745   3,624,508,745  A         0.181     N6

                                       2000 WAR               EGANA INTERNATIONAL (HOLDINGS)-    /  /     $100,641,909.60  $100,641,909.60          0.000
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:   4
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Fountain Set                   (0420)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 HA CHUNG FONG                         ORD                    FOUNTAIN SET (HOLDINGS) LTD.     27/09/99      310,526,044     310,522,044  A         1.050

 STOCK NAME : Giordano Int'l                 (0709)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 NG SZE YUEN TERRY                     ORD                    GIORDANO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED   24/09/99           76,000               0  A         5.960

 STOCK NAME : Golik Holding                  (1118)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 PANG TAK CHUNG                        ORD                    GOLIK HOLDINGS LTD               22/09/99      204,977,700     203,777,700  A         0.443     N7

 HO WAI YU SAMMY                       ORD                    GOLIK HOLDINGS LTD               28/09/99          537,500          37,500  A         0.400

                                       OPT                    GOLIK HOLDINGS LTD                 /  /         12,832,450      12,832,450            0.000

 STOCK NAME : HSBC Holdings                  (0005)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 WHITSON KEITH RODERICK                ORD US$0.50 (GBP)      HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99          131,778          87,895  A         7.015

                                       ORD US$0.50            HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99           87,895         131,778            0.000

 BOND JOHN REGINALD HARTNELL           ORD US$0.50 (GBP)      HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99          203,923         160,040  A         7.015

                                       ORD US$0.50            HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99          160,040         203,923            0.000
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:   5
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : HSBC Holdings                  (0005)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 DALTON WILLIAM ROBERT PATRICK         ORD US$0.50 (GBP)      HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99          142,183          98,300  A         7.015

                                       ORD US$0.50            HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99           98,300         142,183            0.000

 FLINT DOUBLAS JARDINE                 ORD US$0.50 (GBP)      HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99          112,114          68,231  A         7.015

                                       ORD US$0.50            HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99           68,231         112,114            0.000

 GREEN STEPHEN KEITH                   ORD US$0.50 (GBP)      HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99          126,346          82,463  A         7.015

                                       ORD US$0.50            HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                22/09/99           82,463         126,346            0.000

 STOCK NAME : Hung Hing Print                (0450)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 YAM CHEONG HUNG                       ORD                    HUNG HING PRINTING GROUP LTD.    21/09/99      247,720,092     247,120,092  A         3.350     N8

 STOCK NAME : K. Wah Cons                    (0027)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 LUI CHE WOO                           ORD                    K. WAH CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS -    /  /        779,541,035     779,541,035            0.000

                                       ORD                    K. WAH INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS -  21/09/99      643,064,939     642,664,939  A         0.600
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:   6
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : K. Wah Int'l                   (0173)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 LUI CHE WOO                           ORD                    K. WAH INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS -  21/09/99      643,064,939     642,664,939  A         0.600

                                       ORD                    K. WAH CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS -    /  /        779,541,035     779,541,035            0.000

 STOCK NAME : Kerry Ppt                      (0683)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 WONG SIU KONG                         ORD                    KERRY PROPERTIES LTD               /  /            105,450         105,450            0.000

                                       ORD                    KERRY GROUP LTD                    /  /          1,754,300       1,754,300            0.000

 STOCK NAME : Magician Ind                   (0526)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 KONG YICK MING                        ORD                    MAGICIAN INDUSTRIES (HOLDINGS)-  23/09/99      153,492,000     183,492,000  D         0.000

 STOCK NAME : Manulife                       (0945)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:   7
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Mei Ah Enter                   (0391)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 LI KUO HSING                          ORD                    MEI AH ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LIM-  21/09/99       99,351,920      99,203,920  A         2.250

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  MEI AH VIDEO PRODUCTION CO LTD     /  /             10,000          10,000            0.000

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  MEI AH INV CO LTD                  /  /            500,000         500,000            0.000

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  MEI AH LASER DISC CO LTD           /  /            100,000         100,000            0.000

 STOCK NAME : Ocean Inform                   (0497)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 TSANG MAN CHUNG                       ORD                    OCEAN INFORMATION HOLDINGS LTD-  17/09/99      182,414,000     177,014,000            0.210     N9

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  OCEAN OFFICE AUTOMATION LTD        /  /            510,000         510,000            0.000

                                       ORD                    OCEAN INFORMATION LTD              /  /             33,000          33,000            0.000

                                       ORD                    TSANG'S INV CO LTD                 /  /                  1               1            0.000

                                       99 WAR                 OCEAN INFORMATION HOLDINGS LTD-    /  /         25,102,000      25,102,000            0.000
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:   8
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Ocean Inform                   (0497)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 TSANG MAN CHUNG                       ORD                    DENCO INT'L LTD                    /  /         38,050,000      38,050,000            0.000

                                       ORD                    BILLION CITY DEV LTD               /  /             35,000          35,000            0.000

                                       ORD                    BILLION MANAGEMENT LTD             /  /              3,000           3,000            0.000

                                       ORD                    BULLINGA CO LTD                    /  /              5,000           5,000            0.000

                                       ORD                    CASON DEV LTD                      /  /              4,500           4,500            0.000

                                       ORD                    CHEER WIN DEV LTD                  /  /              3,000           3,000            0.000

                                       ORD                    KA HIM DEV LTD                     /  /              3,000           3,000            0.000

                                       ORD                    SINO SPRING LTD                    /  /              4,200           4,200            0.000

                                       ORD                    SILVER HARBOUR LTD                 /  /              2,500           2,500            0.000

                                       ORD                    SUNNY TOWN LTD                     /  /              3,400           3,400            0.000

 STOCK NAME : Ocean-Land GP                  (0217)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 YUEN WAI                              ORD                    OCEAN-LAND GROUP LIMITED         23/09/99      512,663,500     412,663,500  A         1.350    N2
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:   9
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : RBI Holdings                   (0566)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 YIP YUN KUEN                          ORD                    RBI HOLDINGS LTD                 20/09/99      140,544,200     135,756,200  A         1.220

 CHAN PIK HA                           ORD                    RBI HOLDINGS LTD                 20/09/99      140,544,200     135,756,200  A         1.220

 STOCK NAME : Regent Pacific                 (0575)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 KOH CHANG KON                         ORD                    REGENT PACIFIC GROUP LTD           /  /          1,250,000       1,250,000            0.000     N10

 MCMAHON DAVID                         ORD                    REGENT PACIFIC GROUP LTD           /  /                  0               0            0.000     N10

 WHAMOND ALEXANDER ANDERSON            ORD                    REGENT PACIFIC GROUP LTD           /  /                  0               0            0.000     N10

 STOCK NAME : Tai Cheung Hold                (0088)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 CHAN PUN DAVID                        ORD                    TAI CHEUNG HOLDINGS LTD.         24/09/99      140,454,045     140,446,045  A         1.860     N11

 STOCK NAME : Tysan Holdings                 (0687)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 CHIEN DAVID                           ORD                    TYSAN HOLDINGS LTD               20/09/99       59,947,020      57,947,020  A         0.380    N12
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 30/09/99  PAGE:  10
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : UDL Holdings                   (0620)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 LEUNG YAT TUNG                        ORD                    UDL HOLDINGS LTD                   /  /        458,610,910     458,610,910            0.000

                                       ORD                    KEL HOLDINGS LTD                   /  /        300,000,000     300,000,000            0.000

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  UNIVERSAL DOCKYAND LTD             /  /             11,858          11,858            0.000

 STOCK NAME : Vanda Systems                  (0757)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 CHING WAN KWAN                        ORD                    VANDA SYSTEMS & COMMUNICATIONS-  23/09/99          670,000         700,000  D         1.230
                                                               HOLDINGS LTD                 

 STOCK NAME : Yip's H C                      (0408)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------
 TING HON YAM                          ORD                    YIP'S HANG CHEUNG (HOLDINGS) L-  30/08/99          464,000          64,000  A         0.314

                                                                     *****  END OF REPORT  *****


N1     Bonus Issue

N2     Top-Up Subscription

N3     Consideration per unit : $1.94 & $2.25

N4     Consideration per unit : $2.1 & $2.25

N5     Consideration per unit : $1.81 - $1.86

N6     Consideration per unit : $0.179 - $0.182

N7     Consideration per unit : $0.42 - $0.45

N8     Acquisitions were made from 21/09/99 to 27/09/99 at prices ranging
       from $3.30 to $3.40 per share.

N9     Exercise of option

N10    Lapse of share option

N11    Acquisitions were made from 24/09/99 to 27/09/99 at prices ranging
       from $1.85 to $1.88 per share.

N12    Acquisitions were made from 20/09/99 to 24/09/99 at prices ranging
       from $0.375 to $0.385 per share.


       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 28/09/99 : 500,903,225

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, 10% shareholders of MFC have to file reports to
           the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC").  Reports made by 10%
           shareholders, if any, can be found in OSC website
           MFC has agreed to monitor the OSC Weekly Bulletin and Insider Early
           Warning Report Press Releases every two weeks and if any reports by
           or concerning 10% shareholders and filed, MFC will provide a hard
           copy to the SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong public.  So far,
           the SEHK has not received any such reports from MFC.

       2.  Under U.S. law, 5% shareholders of MFC have to file reports to the
           U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pursuant to Schedule
           13G/13D of the Securities and Exchange Act 1934 of the United States.
           Up-to-date reports made by 5% shareholders, if any, can be found in
           SEC website at  MFC has agreed to monitor the SEC
           website every two weeks and if any reports on 5% shareholders are
           filed, MFC will provide a hard copy to the SEHK for inspection by
           the Hong Kong public.  So far, the SEHK has not received any such
           reports from MFC.

       3.  Hard copies of filings or reports provided by MFC under paragraphs 1
           and 2 above (if any) are available for inspection at the SEHK's
           office at UG/F, V-Heun Building, 128-140 Queen's Road Central,
           Hong Kong, and upon request in writing to MFC at MFC's office at
           Manulife Plaza, The Lee Gardens, 48th Floor, 33 Hysan Avenue,
           Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.  For enquiries or arrangements regarding
           inspection at the SEHK please contact the SEHK SDI Unit (Miss Chin
           (2840-3707) or Miss Tsui (2840-3769)).

       * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
         recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might
         not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights issue,
         bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these

       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 28/09/99 : 500,903,225

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, "insiders" including directors of MFC have
           to file reports to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC")
           in Form 55 pursuant to the Ontario Securities Act.  MFC has agreed
           to provide Forms 55 filed by MFC in Canada to the SEHK at the same
           time as they are filed in Canada.  No Form 55 filings have been
           made by MFC today.

       2.  MFC is presently a "foreign private issuer" under U.S. law.  As
           such, no directors of MFC are required to make any disclosure of
           interests filings under the Securities Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.
       *  ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
          recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might
          not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights issue,
          bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these