Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Daily Summaries
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 27/09/99  PAGE:   1
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - B
                                                            (GRANTS, ASSIGNMENTS AND EXERCISES OF RIGHTS)

 STOCK NAME : Cafe de Coral H                (0341)

       Director/Chief Executive        G/E     Class                 Company Name                 Quantity       Exercise Period   Ex. Price  Consideration
 ------------------------------------  --- ---------------  -------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- ---------------
 LO PIK LING ANITA                      G  ORD              CAFE DE CORAL HOLDINGS LTD.               300,000    010396-280201        1.820                0

 STOCK NAME : DVB (Holdings)                 (0500)

       Director/Chief Executive        G/E     Class                 Company Name                 Quantity       Exercise Period   Ex. Price  Consideration
 ------------------------------------  --- ---------------  -------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- ---------------
 WU BING CHANG                          G  OPT              DVB (HOLDINGS) LIMITED                  3,000,000    010100-311202        2.250                1

                                                                     *****  END OF REPORT  *****


N1     On 23 September 1999, Lawnside International Limited acquired
       124,000,000 shares upon the exercise of the subscription
       right under 124,000,000 units of warrants of the Company at
       HK$0.178 per share.

N2     Consideration per unit : $0.52 - $0.60

N3     Chiltonlink Limited ("Chiltonlink") holds the entire issued share
       capital of Pacific Century Diversified Limited ("PCD").
       On 15 September 1999, PCD acquired 752,302,268 shares in the Company,
       which constitute approximately 10.3% of the entire issued share
       capital of the Company.  Accordingly, Chiltonlik is interested in
       752,302,268 shares in the Company.

N4     Li Tzar Kai, Richard holds the entire issued share capital of Pacific
       Century Group Holdings Limited ("PCG").  PCG disposed of 414,000,000
       shares pursuant to a placing and subscription agreement.  The placing
       pursuant to the agreement completed on 17 September 1999.  After the
       placing, PCG holds 21,484,000 shares in the Company, which constitute
       approximately 0.3% of the entire issued share capital of the Company.

N5     Pacific Century Diversified Limited ("PCD") and Intel Pacific, Inc.
       ("Intel") entered into an agreement dated 27 July 1999 (as amended
       by an amending agreement entered into between PCD and Intel dated
       30 July 1999, a further amending agreement entered into between PCD
       and Intel dated 5 August 1999 and a novation deed entered into between
       PCD, Intel and the Company dated 18 August 1999)(collectively, the
       "Agreement").  The Agreement constitutes an agreement falling within
       Section 9 of the Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance (the
       "Ordinance").  Upon completion of the Agreement on 15 September 1999:

       (a) PCD acquired 752,302,268 shares of HK$0.05 each in the Company;
       (b) Intel acquired 77,800,000 shares of HK$0.05 each in the Company
           and was granted an option to subscrible for a maximum of
           1,003,070,000 shares of HK$0.05 each in the Company, which right
           shall expire on 15 September 2009.

       Pursuant to Section 10(4) of the Ordinance, notice is hereby given

       (a) PCD is a party to the Agreement, which falls within Section 9
           of the Ordinance;
       (b) the other party to the Agreement is Intel, whose registered
           office is located at 2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara,
           CA, United States of America; and
       (c) by virtue of Section 10 of the Ordinance, PCD is deemed to be
           interested in the 77,800,000 shares of HK$0.05 each in the
           Company held by Intel.

       PCD is therefore interested in an aggregate of 830,102,268 shares of
       HK$0.05 each in the Company.

N6     Pacific Century Group Holdings Limited ("PCG") disposed of 414,000,000
       shares pursuant to a placing and subscription agreement.  The placing
       pursuant to the agreement completed on 17 September 1999.  After the
       placing, PCG holds 21,484,000 shares in the Company.  Pacific Century
       Regional Developments Limited holds 4,403,226,000 shares in the Company.
       Accordingly, PCG is interested in an aggregate of 4,424,710,000 shares
       in the Company.

N7     Disposals were made from 06/09/99 to 21/09/99 at prices ranging from
       $0.060 to $0.146 per share.

N8     Mr. Siegfried Lee were notified on 18 September 1999 and 22 September
       1999 respectively that Dao Heng Bank had disposed a total of 221,868,000
       shares in the Company on behalf of Mr. Lee from 6 September 1999 to
       21 September 1999.  A total of 500 million shares, including the shares,
       were charged with the Bank by Mr. Lee on 15 April 1996 for securing a
       loan facility granted to a subsidiary of the Company.

N9     Scrip dividend

N10    Acquisitions were made from 21/09/99 to 23/09/99 at prices ranging
       from $0.42 to $0.435 per share.

N11    Acquisitions were made from 20/09/99 to 22/09/99 at prices ranging
       from $3.225 to $3.45 per share.