Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Daily Summaries
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 09/09/99  PAGE:   1
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - B
                                                            (GRANTS, ASSIGNMENTS AND EXERCISES OF RIGHTS)

 STOCK NAME : China Online                   (0383)

       Director/Chief Executive        G/E     Class                 Company Name                 Quantity       Exercise Period   Ex. Price  Consideration
 ------------------------------------  --- ---------------  -------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- ---------------
 OEI HONG LEONG                         G  ORD              CHINA STRATEGIC HOLDINGS LTD           18,500,000                         0.606                1

                                        G  ORD              CHINA STRATEGIC HOLDINGS LTD           25,000,000                         0.300                1

                                        G  ORD              CHINA ONLINE (BERMUDA) LIMITED         50,000,000    171097-161000        2.400                1

                                        G  ORD              CHINA ONLINE (BERMUDA) LIMITED         20,000,000    010699-310502        1.290                1

                                        G  ORD (US$)        CHINA TIRE HOLDINGS LTD                   220,000                        10.250                1

 STOCK NAME : China Strategic                (0235)

       Director/Chief Executive        G/E     Class                 Company Name                 Quantity       Exercise Period   Ex. Price  Consideration
 ------------------------------------  --- ---------------  -------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- ---------------
 OEI HONG LEONG                         G  ORD              CHINA STRATEGIC HOLDINGS LIMIT-        18,500,000                         0.606                1

                                        G  ORD              CHINA STRATEGIC HOLDINGS LIMIT-        25,000,000                         0.300                1

                                        G  ORD              CHINA ONLINE (BERMUDA) LTD             50,000,000    171097-161000        2.400                1

                                        G  ORD              CHINA ONLINE (BERMUDA) LTD             20,000,000    010699-310502        1.290                1

                                        G  ORD (US$)        CHINA TIRE HOLDINGS LTD                   220,000                        10.250                1
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 09/09/99  PAGE:   2
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - B
                                                            (GRANTS, ASSIGNMENTS AND EXERCISES OF RIGHTS)

 STOCK NAME : GZI Transport                  (1052)

       Director/Chief Executive        G/E     Class                 Company Name                 Quantity       Exercise Period   Ex. Price  Consideration
 ------------------------------------  --- ---------------  -------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- ---------------
 CHENG ZHONGYOU                         G  ORD              GUANGZHOU INVESTMENT CO LTD               450,000                         1.002               10

                                        G  ORD              GZI TRANSPORT LTD                         500,000                         2.408               10

 CAI HANXIANG                           G  ORD              GUANGZHOU INVESTMENT CO LTD               550,000                         1.002               10

                                        G  ORD              GZI TRANSPORT LTD                         500,000                         2.408               10

 STOCK NAME : Guangzhou Inv                  (0123)

       Director/Chief Executive        G/E     Class                 Company Name                 Quantity       Exercise Period   Ex. Price  Consideration
 ------------------------------------  --- ---------------  -------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- ---------------
 CAI HANXIANG                           G  ORD              GUANGZHOU INVESTMENT CO. LTD.             550,000                         1.002               10

                                        G  ORD              GZI TRANSPORT LTD                         500,000                         2.408               10

 STOCK NAME : Man Sang Int'l                 (0938)

       Director/Chief Executive        G/E     Class                 Company Name                 Quantity       Exercise Period   Ex. Price  Consideration
 ------------------------------------  --- ---------------  -------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- ---------------
 CHENG CHUNG HING                       G  ORD              MAN SANG INTERNATIONAL LTD             10,000,000    200498-190400        0.621               10

                                        G  ORD              MAN SANG INTERNATIONAL LTD              1,800,000    090698-080600        0.446               10

 CHENG TAI PO                           G  ORD              MAN SANG INTERNATIONAL LTD             10,000,000    200498-190400        0.621               10

                                        G  ORD              MAN SANG INTERNATIONAL LTD              1,800,000    090698-080600        0.446               10
                                                        SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                             PRINTED: 09/09/99  PAGE:   3
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - B
                                                            (GRANTS, ASSIGNMENTS AND EXERCISES OF RIGHTS)

 STOCK NAME : Theme Int'l                    (0990)

       Director/Chief Executive        G/E     Class                 Company Name                 Quantity       Exercise Period   Ex. Price  Consideration
 ------------------------------------  --- ---------------  -------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- ---------------
 LAI NGAN LONG KENNETH                  G  OPT              THEME INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS L-         1,800,000    260397-250300        2.108                1

                                        G  OPT              THEME INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS L-           300,000    031297-021200        2.125                1

                                                                     *****  END OF REPORT  *****


N1     Completion of agreement dated 29 July 1999 made between China
       Strategic Holdings Limited ("CSH") and Pacific Century Regional
       Developments Limited for the disposal of 1,350,000,000 shares of
       HK$0.01 in the share capital of China Online (Bermuda) Limited
       owned by CSH's wholly-owned subsidiaries at the price of HK$0.15
       per share.

N2     Lippo Securities Limited has sold 2,000,000 shares of Theme Int'l
       Ltd on 6 September 1999 at prices ranging from $0.230 to $0.250
       per share.